In today’s fast-paced and demanding world, where time is precious, the last thing anyone wants is to feel weighed down or sluggish. Unfortunately, constipation can affect your well-being and make it difficult to go about your day. The discomfort and heaviness caused by constipation can often hinder your routine, making even the simplest activities difficult to pursue. Constipation impacts countless people and can affect each individual differently. By delving deeper into the various effects of constipation on the body, we emphasise the importance of addressing the condition for a healthier and more fulfilling life.

What causes constipation?

Constipation can result from various factors, including lifestyle choices, medical conditions, and medications. Some common causes of constipation include :

1) A poor diet low in fibre

2) Inadequate fluid intake

3) Lack of exercise or physical activity

4) Ignoring the urge to pass stools or holding in stools

5) Certain medications or medical conditions By understanding the various causes, you can also mitigate the various side effects of constipation on your body.

Effects of constipation on the body

1. Physical discomfort

One of the primary effects of constipation is physical discomfort. Hard and dry stools are difficult to pass, leading to straining and a feeling of not being “empty”. The prolonged presence of stool in the colon also leads to abdominal pain and cramping, adding to the physical discomfort. 

2. Loss of appetite

Constipation can also have an impact on appetite. When the stool builds up in the colon, it can make you feel full, and decrease your desire to eat. The discomfort that comes with it can also suppress appetite, potentially resulting in inadequate nutrient intake and subsequent nutritional deficiencies if the problem continues. 

3. Bloating

Feeling bloated is a common issue for those dealing with constipation. The buildup of gas and stool in the intestines can cause your abdomen to swell, making you feel bloated and uncomfortable. Bloating can also affect your self-esteem, making you hesitant to join in on certain social activities or wear form-fitting clothes.

4. Fatigue

As constipation disrupts the normal functioning of the digestive system, it can lead to a decrease in nutrient absorption. This, combined with discomfort and painful exertion to pass stools, can leave individuals feeling tired and drained. This impacts levels of productivity, mood and overall quality of life. [6]

5. Skin problems

There are several factors that influence the radiance of our skin, and constipation is one of them. The accumulation of waste and toxins in the body can result in skin problems and acne breakouts, which can impact one's overall self-esteem. By addressing constipation issues, you can take a significant step towards achieving healthier, more vibrant skin. [3]

6. Mental health

The discomfort, pain, and fatigue that come with constipation can take a toll on your mental health. It can cause stress as you may feel overwhelmed by your symptoms. The persistent nature of constipation symptoms can lead to feelings of stress and being overwhelmed. Moreover, it can disrupt daily activities and even result in social isolation, as individuals may avoid social situations for fear of experiencing symptoms in public. By tackling constipation issues, you can improve not only your physical health but also your mental and emotional well-being.

 The side effects constipation has on the body are numerous and often underestimated. From causing discomfort and pain to potentially leading to more severe health complications, constipation can significantly impact an individual's overall well-being. By understanding the effects of constipation on the body, you can take proactive steps to treat constipation and embrace a healthier lifestyle.

Posted On: 3rd July 2023


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Frequently asked questions

    Prolonged constipation can lead to abdominal discomfort, bloating, fatigue and potential complications such as faecal impaction, haemorrhoids, and anal fissures

    Constipation can make your body feel uncomfortable, with symptoms like abdominal pain, bloating, a sense of fullness, fatigue, and a potential impact on appetite. The sensation of fullness and difficulty to pass stools can lead to physical discomfort and negatively impact your daily activities and overall well-being. 

    Constipation is considered unsafe when it persists for an extended period, typically more than a few weeks or when it is accompanied by severe symptoms. Immediate medical attention should be sought in such cases to treat constipation and rule out any underlying conditions.

    Yes, you should keep eating if constipated. However, it's essential to focus on a high-fibre diet, drink plenty of water and engage in regular exercise to help alleviate and prevent constipation.

    Milk's effect on constipation varies from person to person. For some, milk can help alleviate constipation and stimulate bowel movements. However, milk can worsen constipation for others, especially those with lactose intolerance or sensitivity. It's essential to monitor your body's response to milk and make dietary adjustments accordingly